Mississippi Pot Roast

For years and years and years I have tried to find a pot roast recipe that we actually enjoy, or can even make without burning it somehow. In fact, I havn’t made a roast in over 4 years because of my fear of ruining a perfectly beautiful and tasty piece of meat. It is so painful when you spend the money on a roast, and then you completely ruin it. So I thought all was lost with finding a roast recipe that was equally delicious and easy to make and basically fool proof.

Long story short, I have had this recipe on the back of my mind for sometime, and finally mustered up the courage to try it out. Result, it turned out absolutely incredible. Like, mind blowingly good! We couldn’t get enough of the shredded pot roast, and stuffed ourselves until we have to crawl away from the table!

Best part of it all, it was so easy to make. Anyone can make it and be thrilled with the results. We served ours with our Creamy Garlic Mashed Potatoes, and our Homemade Dinner Rolls. And then the next day, we made burritos out of the left over meat! Whoa! It was equally as good.

Anyway, if you are looking for a fantastic crock pot roast, look no further and add this to your recipe try out list. It is so dang good that you will be wanting to make this over, and over, and over again. This recipe is definitely a keeper!

Mississippi Pot Roast

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By Clarissa Ragar Serves: 6

Served ours with creamy garlic mashed potatoes, and homemade hot rolls, this mississippi pot roast is to die for! The meat is juicy and so flavorful, and perfect meal to impress your hungry family and friends!


  • 1 3 lb chuck roast
  • 2 tbsp olive oil or vegetable oil
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • 1 packet ranch dressing mix
  • 1 packet dry onion soup mix
  • 1 stick salted butter
  • 8 peperoncini peppers



Heat up a large skillet on high, then add oil when it is super hot.


Dry each side of the roast and season with salt and pepper.


Once the skillet is nice and hot, add the roast.


Allow the roast to cook/sear for about 1-3 minutes until it is golden brown.


Using tongs, flip the meat over and sear the other sides of the roast.


Transfer meat to slow cooker.


Sprinkle packets of dry ranch dressing and onion soup mixes over pot roast.


Top with a stick of butter then place peppers on and around roast.


Cover and cook on low for 8 hours.


Take two forks and start shredding the meat.


Discard any big fatty pieces. Enjoy!


1. We used a chuck roast for this recipe because this is the best type of meat for shredding. You can also use any other beef that will shred like a shoulder roast. --- 2. If you are worried about the peperoncini peppers being spice, don't worry, they won't make the meat spicy. If just adds a wonderful flavor. --- 3. The searing of the meat is key to making the meat super tender. Searing locks in those juices to help during the cooking process. If you don't sear it, your meat with be dry. --- 4. This meat will last in the fridge for up to 3 days after cooking. It is great as leftovers, and for making burritos! --- 5. If you are using a piece of meat you have frozen, give the meat and entire day before to thaw out. --- 6. This recipe works best when cooking on low. Low and slow is the best way to help this meat stay super tender. But, if you are in a rush you can cook it on high for 4 hours. It will still taste great!

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