Peach Cheesecake

Homemade peach cheesecake in a clear 9x13 pan

I honestly do not remember the first time I tried this amazing peach cheesecake, but it has been in my family for many, many years. And am I happy about that? You better believe it! This is such a unique way to make cheesecake! Peach jello layered on a sweet cream cheese topping and a thick flakey crust. This is peach cheesecake and it will change your life!

When I first got married to Joel 11 years ago, this is one of the recipes i snagged from my Mom, just like her banana bread with streusel topping. When you are married, the first year is all about joining together as one and getting to know each other on another level. I wanted to impress Joel with my cooking skills and honestly that did not come for a long time. But baking, I always had a knack for that and knew that I could bake up this peach cheesecake.

Hands pressing a homemade cheesecake crust into a 9x13 pan.

It was love at first bite for him, and Joel is a tough critic to please. Whenever I find something he likes, particularly a restaurant, it is a huge accomplishment for me. So needless to say, there is a sense of pride whenever I make this. Who knew a 9×13 pan of yummy goodness could make you so happy! We get compliments on this all the time whenever we make this. Like I said, it is super unique and you find anything quiet like it!

Anyway, if you are tired of baking the same old cakes and treats, try this peach cheesecake out and trust me when I say, you will love it! Especially if you love a good cheesecake. Cheesecake is my absolute favorite dessert over everything, and I love this recipe so much! I am excited to once again share a family recipe with you, and I hope you love it as much as I do! Comment below to let us know what you think! And happy get fooding!

Homemade peach cheesecake in a clear 9x13 pan next to a slice of cheesecake.

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Peach Cheesecake

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By RaShel Ferrin Serves: 9x13 pan
Prep Time: 5 hours Cooking Time: 15 minutes Total Time: 5+ hours

A unique way to make cheesecake! Peach jello layered on a sweet cream cheese topping and a thick flakey crust. This is peach cheesecake and it will change your life!


  • 2 cups flour
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • 1/2 cup walnuts, chopped
  • 1 cup water
  • 3/4 cup white sugar
  • 3 TBLS peach jello
  • 3 1/2 TBLS cornstarch
  • 4 cups peaches, chopped
  • 2 8 oz packages cream cheese, softened
  • 2/3 cup powdered sugar
  • 6 cup cool whip



Preheat oven to 400°.


Mix together flour, brown sugar, butter and walnuts in a bowl until well combine. Should be crumbly, but able to form together.


Press mixture into a greased 9x13 pan, and bake in the oven for 15 min.


Let the crust completely cool.


While crust is cooling, mix together water and cornstarch to make sure no lumps remain. Add to a sauce pan with the peach jello and sugar. Cook over medium heat until the mixture thickens.


Take off the heat and let it cool.


Add the chopped peaches to the mixture and stir til well combined.


In a separate bowl, mix together cream cheese, powdered sugar, and whip cream til nice and smooth. Spread over evenly on the cooled crust.


Poor the peach and jello mixture over the cream cheese topping and spread evenly around.


Place in the fridge covered, and let it sit for at least 4 hours or until the peach jello has hardened.


Slice up once hardened and enjoy!


1. Do not over cook the crust. If it burns or cooks for too long it will be very hard to cut into. --- 2. I use canned peaches for this recipe. Just make sure to drain the peaches before use. You are also welcome to use fresh, or frozen peaches as well. --- 3. If you don't like walnuts for the crust, feel free to use pecans, or remove them completely too! The crust will still taste delicious. --- 4. Do not rush this recipe, it takes time, but it is worth it! --- 5. The longer you let it sit in the fridge to harden the better! After eating, leftovers will last in the fridge for up to 3 days.

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